Game Setup

The game starts in the first region [Thorun] of the first province [Garabold]. The player start with 4 leaders. 1 of the leaders will be a general and the other 3 will be sargeants.

Game Setup
  • Each leader will be able to move 2 spaces in a turn.
  • Each leader will be able to transfer troops from or to nearby castles or other nearby armies.
  • When each leader has finished movement and the transfering of units, press the end turn button located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will end the players turn and the monsters will have their turn.
  • End Turn Button
  • When the monsters have finished their turn, it is the players turn again
  • 12 turns equates to 1 year.
Winning the Game
  • The game is won when all 9 castles of all 9 regions of all 9 provinces have been conquered.
  • The game is over if all 9 provinces have not been conquered by the end of year 200.
  • Leaders fight the same as units and have defense, attack, and strength scores.
  • Leaders will improve their defense, attack and strength scores as they gain rank.
  • Leader Ranks
    1. Sargeant
    2. Lieutenant
    3. Major
    4. General
  • Leaders have an age and can die in combat or of natural causes.
  • When entering a new region, only 4 leaders will be allowed to travel to the region.
  • During the course of conquering a region, units can be promoted to leaders.
  • Only 5 leaders are allowed on a map at a time.
  • Armies are made up of units and leaders.
  • Armies can not exist without a leader outside of a castle.
  • An army can only have 1 leader.
  • If an army leader dies outside of a castle, the army is dispersed and no longer exists.
Fog of War
  • Each Region is initially hidden from the player. As the leaders explore the map, the terrain and castles are revealed.
  • A haze will appear over the map where a leader or player conquered castle can not see.
  • Monsters will not be seen in the haze.
  • Leaders sight distance is 2 squares in any direction.
  • Castles sight distance covers the entire area of the castle.
  • Fog of War
  • A leader may move 2 spaces in any direction during a turn.
  • The 2 spaces may be broken into 2 1 square moves or 1 2 square move.
  • To move a leader, select the leader, and then select a square in the highlighted area of the map surrounding the leader.
  • Movement
Skirmishes / Battles
  • When an army attacks a monster or a monster attacks an army, the player is presented with the battle screen.
  • At this point, the army will fight or retreat.
  • Skirmish 1
  • During combat, the army may retreat from battle.
  • Skirmish 2
  • When the battle is over, the player can press the Done button to resume play.
  • Skirmish 3
  • An army may only retreat once per turn. If the army has already retreated in the current turn, the army must fight.
  • An army without a leader cannot retreat.
  • Skirmishes and Battles are used interchangeably.
  • Castles add defense to the units contained within.
  • Castle Types / Defense Score
    1. Motte & Bailey: 2
    2. Stone Keep: 4
    3. Concentric Castles: 6
  • Castles
  • Player owned castles are white whereas monster owned castles are gray.
  • Player owned castles will generate a new unit at the end of every turn. The type of unit will depend on the castle type and province.
Conquering Castles
  • Castles are conquered when a leader attacks a castle and defeats the monsters inside.
  • To attack a castle, the player should select a leader within 2 squares of a monster owned castle and then select the castle.
  • If the leader dies while attacking the castle, but the army still has units remaining when the skirmish is complete, the castle is conquered.
Defending Castles
  • A castle will be defended when a monster or band of monsters attacks a player owned castle.
  • If the castle contains a leader and the leader retreats before the battle or during the battle, the player loses the castle.
  • If the castle under attack does not contain an army, the monster or band of monsters will conquer the castle without a battle.
Changing Regions and Provinces
  • When all 9 castles of a region are in player control, the region is won and the player is allowed to move on to the next region.
  • Region Victory
  • The End Turn Button is removed and the Next Map Button is added.
  • Next Map Button
  • Pressing the Next Map Button allows the player to select the next region.
  • Select Region
  • After selecting the next region, the player will select 4 leaders to enter the new map. If 4 leaders are not available, the player will select however many are available. The done button becomes available when the leaders are selected.
  • Select Leaders
  • When the current region is the last region of a province, the steps are the same except the next Province is chosen, rather than the next region. When chosing the next province, the center region of the new province will be selected as the next map.
Transfering Units
  • Units can be transfered between armies and castles as well as between 2 armies.
  • Select the units on both sides that are to be transfered and press the transfer button.
  • When all units have been transfered, press the done button.
  • Transfer Units
  • Leaders cannot be transfered.
  • The transfer is initiated by a leader and must be within movement range (2 squares).
Leader Screen
  • Selecting a leader on the map will display the leader and units at the bottom of the screen.
  • Leader Portrait and units
  • Selecting the leader portrait on the bottom of the screen will bring up the leader screen.
  • The leader screen displays the leader data as well of a list of units, entourage, monsters killed, and medals earned.
  • Leader Screen
History Screen
  • The history button is located at the bottom left of the screen.
  • History Button
  • The history screen displays events that have happened in the current region.
  • History Screen
  • When a leader earns a medal, the new medal indicator is displayed on the medals button. The medals button is located at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Medals Button
  • New medals that have been earned since the last time the medals screen was opened will be displayed in the New tab.
  • The Region tab will display all meadals earned in the current region.
  • The Province tab will display all meadals earned in the current province.
  • Medals Screen
  • The Menu button located at the bottom right of the screen will open the main menu.
  • Menu Button
  • From the main menu, the player can restart the game, restart the current region, or bring up the leaders ranking screen.
  • Main Menu
Leaders Ranking
  • The leaders ranking screen allows you to list the top leaders in various categories.
  • Leaders Ranking
  • Entourage units are specialty units that live and die with a leader.
  • Specialty Units can be picked up when conquering castles.
  • Specialty Units start as rank Novice and can be leveled when conquering a castle which contains the same specialty unit already belonging to the conquering leader.
  • The Ranks are Novice, Adept, and Master.
  • The doctor helps heal units after combat: 2 / 4 / 6
  • Doctor
  • The ninja increases the units chance to critically hit: 5% / 10% / 15%
  • The ninja increases the units speed in combat: 15% / 30% / 45%
  • Ninja
  • The priest decreases the amount of damage a unit takes in combat: 15% / 30% / 45%
  • Priest
  • The scout increases the leaders sight distance: 1 / 2 / 3
  • Scout
  • The shield bearer increases the defense of a unit: 2 / 4 / 6
  • Shield Bearer
  • The siege master decreases the defence gained by monsters located within a castle: 2 / 4 / 6
  • Siege Master
  • The weapons master increases the chance of hitting monsters: 2 / 4 / 6
  • Weapons Master
  • The wizard increases the attack of a unit: 2 / 4 / 6
  • Wizard
  • There are 4 unit types.
  • Units are deployed with leaders when starting a new region depending on leader rank.
  • Units are recruited in castles.
  • Units will level up based on combat experience. Recruit / Veteran / Elite
  • Elite units can be promoted to leaders.
  • Axemen
  • Axemen Recruit
  • Axemen Veteran
  • Axemen Elite
  • Archers
  • Archers Recruit
  • Archers Veteran
  • Archers Elite
  • Knights
  • Knights Recruit
  • Knigths Veteran
  • Knights Elite
  • Spearmen
  • Spearmen Recruit
  • Spearmen Veteran
  • Spearmen Elite